Office 365 is a subscription plan for the cloud/Online application. *If you have a compatibility issue with an outdated version of Microsoft Office/ Word (Pre 2016/ 15.xx) after installing the latest Endnoteįollow this instruction to download and install latest Office 365 for free: This subscription allows you to download Office 365/ 2019 (Build 16.17.0 or later). Office 365/ 2019 for Mac is supported on the three most recent versions of macOS. When a new version of macOS is released, the Office 2019 for Mac Operating System requirement becomes the then-current three most recent versions: the new version of macOS and the previous versions. Go to the UB mylicenses page: to download Endnote X9.Ĥ. The zip file now has been extracted into a folder, the folder should automatically open. Installing and Activating Endnote-X9 for MacOS If not, to use Finder to open the folder, go through menu bar > Go (A) > Downloads (B) to open the Downloads (C) folder, then Double-Click the ENDNOTE-X9.zip to extract it. Double-Click the Endnote-X9 folder twice to access the Mac and Windows installers.Yes, but please check the operating system and Word versions in use on the compatibility table. Open EndNoteX9SiteInstaller.dmg to mount the installation image.After installation image has been mounted, the Installer window will pop-up.Make sure the installation process is not being blocked by the system. After installation, the Customizer window opens, click Next.Endnote would introduce Kopernio before it starts.ħ.

Be sure that the system not blocking any necessary access requested by EndNote.Ĩ. Finish up the Welcome window based on your own account preference.ĩ. EndNote is ready now, you can Open MS Word to confirm its functionality.ġ0. Based on your current system security settings, you may need to Click OK to allow necessary access for EndNote to work with MS Word normally.ġ1. Use Cite This For Mes FREE citation machine to get accurate citations in seconds.

Click EndNote X9 tab on the Ribbon of MS Word, you can begin to use Cite While You Write (CWYW) if everything went right.